To create a brand & product movie celebrating the unique collaborative relationship between ic! berlin & Mercedes-Benz. Discover how these brands explore the boundaries of Design and innovation together.

Collaboration Movie

Tags: Creative Director, Product Design, Production

Tags: Creative Director, Product Design, Production

ic! berlin x Mercedes-Benz

I was approached to develop and direct a short movie to co-inside with the S/S 22 drop in the ic! berlin and Mercedes-Benz collaboration. The brief was to introduce the collaborative work between the 2 brands by highlighting the key driving factors in the relationship.
The focus being sustainable luxury and German design. We included the EQC from the Mercedes-Benz electric range with the new minimalistic eyewear designs from the collection. The movie explores the products closeup, by highlighting the interconnecting design features of both brands. Showcasing how through the design process elements of the car design can be found in the eyewear pieces, bringing them together in an immersive and vivid visual experience.

Creative Direction & Production: Harry Skinner
Technical Director: BroBro Film
Eyewear Design: Harry Skinner

Client: ic! berlin